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Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Homeschoolers Struggle

I'm still a teen so I guess I kinda know what's going on, well at least for a homeschooler anyways. Yes it's true, I was homeschooled 5th grade through my senior year and I loved it! 
I missed out on nothing, I had friends who would give me lectures on things I was supposably missing.
"Like what," I would ask.

"Ummm..." They stuttered,"Prom, socialization, being involved in sports, dating, parties, tons of stuff." 

"Well I went to Prom, I'm "socialized", I'm in sports so deep I can't find time for myself, I don't date because I haven't found a guy worthy of dating, don't care for parties and I can assure you I'm not missing out on the tons of other things,"
I would reply. 
I went to Prom and although I had a great time and I was very outside of my comfort zone. 
"This is dancing?" I thought to myself.
Boys and girls who most barely knew each pressed together in a sexual way out in public? No thank you. 
My idea of dancing was not what today's idea was. I thought ballroom, ballet, slow dancing, they thought grinding, twerking and crumping. 
I was way out of my element and and found myself doing the Cupid shuffle 5 time along with a few other line dances. Thankfully it was a country themed prom and it wasn't too heavy on the rap. 
When I got home that night I looked at my parents and said "thanks for homeschooling me." 
Most would think if I'd gone to public school I would be just like the other teens but I think no.
 I've always been a century behind, out of step with this generation, a rose in the middle of a field of daisies and I'm proud of that. I'm proud that my parents raised me to have morals and to know there's a God who loves me and wants me to know him. I'm happy that I'm not like those teens. Am I any better than them? No, because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and I'm one of the "All." 
Some would call me out of touch, immature and incocent but I think it's the way to go. 
After all God called us to be in the world but not of it. 
So if you're a homeschooler and feel
pressured to conform to this world, don't, be strong. You are who God wants you to be. You're not alone. There's more girls or boys out there like you than you know. 
In Christ,

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2. 

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