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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Waiting Till Marriage: My Response To XO Janes Blog

A few days ago I read a article that appalled me from a woman who regretted waiting until marriage. How could this woman lead so many young men and women astray? She took her experience and misinformation and transferred it into the minds of impressionable people. Where in the Bible does it say men don't have the same reasonability to remain pure as women? 

Hebrews 13:4 states "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure..." 

Not because it's dirty but because it's a unique and sacred bond between Husband and Wife. Our bodies were given to us by God as Holy Temples, we shouldn't take that lightly. Whatever we do with our bodies we do to the temple. In modern culture sex is something used in place of communication and real emotional connection; something given away freely to near strangers. Disease and Pregnancy spreads but is thought of as a mere consequence that can be fixed with medicine, morning after pills and abortion. TV shows and some Doctors teach young people that it's their body to do with as they please. Teens are pressured by the over sexualized world that Virginity is something to lose and laugh at; they believe if they choose to wait that their relationships will fail without sex, soon it's no big deal, in their mind they're already soiled so why wait anymore? Mistakes happen, you're not going to Hell because you lost your Virginity, but because you don't have a relationship with Christ. God gives redemption and forgiveness to any and all who ask. Now it's time to reach out to our generation, teens need to understand what waiting means, why God asked for it, why it's not a vow to their parents, friends and the Church but a Vow between God and his temple.  We can't remain silent and let this world teach our children a distorted view about sex. Young people who have decided to wait, make your belief known, we live in a world where personal opinion isn't liked if it's not the worlds view but we have a responsibility to God and man to make ourselves warriors for Christ.  So my challenge is this, tell someone why you're waiting and why you believe it's right. 

Reach out, stand up, God is with you. You may face persecution. 

"For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God's will, than for doing evil."-1 Peter 3:17

Billy Graham stated that "When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened."

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