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Monday, May 26, 2014

The Dating Games #1 by Melody Carlson

The Story: 
Five high school friends have one thing in common as they start their sophomore year: none of them have ever been on a "real" date. With homecoming looming, they make a pact and start a secret club they call the DG (Dating Game). They're sworn to secrecy--and to purity--but the club is their way to set each other up on their first dates so they can report back to the DG. Of course, they all make different choices about how to deal with their parents and how to act on their dates, and they discover that they all have totally different experiences. Still, the things they learn about boys and dating will stick with them throughout high school.
Bestselling author and teen favorite Melody Carlson starts off her newest series with a good dose of fun, tackling two topics teen girls love to read about--friends and boys. 

My Review: 
First off I love to read YA especially when it has a Christian base. I didn't get much out of this book spiritually but overall it was a great novel.It was a quick read and I would recommend it for ages 14+.
Before letting your child read this book I caution that you speak to them about dating and how you feel about it and your rules.

I've always had the feeling that dating was something that was to be done when you found the right guy but this book treats dating like your first date is just something to get out of the way.
Don't get me wrong this is a great book with good characters that teaches girls about friendship and how to stick together but I wouldn't recommend it to girls who are home-schooled or don't understand what dating is truly about.

I felt as though I connected with the character Cassidy most in the book. She wanted to wait until college to date but she let her friends convince her to join the "Dating Games" club. I felt as though she should have stood her ground.
I at 19 years of age still haven't had a "First Date" and I'm happy with that,I even went to prom with a guy friend.
So in closing I will give this book 3 stars because I did enjoy it but only because I am firm in my decision to not date.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

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