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Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Homeschoolers Struggle

I'm still a teen so I guess I kinda know what's going on, well at least for a homeschooler anyways. Yes it's true, I was homeschooled 5th grade through my senior year and I loved it! 
I missed out on nothing, I had friends who would give me lectures on things I was supposably missing.
"Like what," I would ask.

"Ummm..." They stuttered,"Prom, socialization, being involved in sports, dating, parties, tons of stuff." 

"Well I went to Prom, I'm "socialized", I'm in sports so deep I can't find time for myself, I don't date because I haven't found a guy worthy of dating, don't care for parties and I can assure you I'm not missing out on the tons of other things,"
I would reply. 
I went to Prom and although I had a great time and I was very outside of my comfort zone. 
"This is dancing?" I thought to myself.
Boys and girls who most barely knew each pressed together in a sexual way out in public? No thank you. 
My idea of dancing was not what today's idea was. I thought ballroom, ballet, slow dancing, they thought grinding, twerking and crumping. 
I was way out of my element and and found myself doing the Cupid shuffle 5 time along with a few other line dances. Thankfully it was a country themed prom and it wasn't too heavy on the rap. 
When I got home that night I looked at my parents and said "thanks for homeschooling me." 
Most would think if I'd gone to public school I would be just like the other teens but I think no.
 I've always been a century behind, out of step with this generation, a rose in the middle of a field of daisies and I'm proud of that. I'm proud that my parents raised me to have morals and to know there's a God who loves me and wants me to know him. I'm happy that I'm not like those teens. Am I any better than them? No, because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and I'm one of the "All." 
Some would call me out of touch, immature and incocent but I think it's the way to go. 
After all God called us to be in the world but not of it. 
So if you're a homeschooler and feel
pressured to conform to this world, don't, be strong. You are who God wants you to be. You're not alone. There's more girls or boys out there like you than you know. 
In Christ,

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

If it doesn't kill you...

We've all had those days, the days were everything that can go wrong can and will. It's part of life. Remember God promised that he would always be with us, not that it would always be easy. So a bit of encouragement for you today. God has a purpose for you. Yes you reading this right now. You say to yourself "no I'm not important, I'm nothing special, what would God want to use me for?" 
He has a divine purpose for your life. It may not be what you thought your purpose should be and the road may be bumpy getting there but in the end it will be smooth and paved with gold. There will be no more sadness or pain. So the saying is true, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Find your dream, your passion. Pray, The Lord will guide you. 
Be still, listen and know that he is God. 
I leave you with one of my favorite verses with the hope it will give you encouragement. 
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 
There you have it. You have hope and a future. 
In Christ

Monday, May 26, 2014

A Cowboys Touch by Denise Hunter

 * * * * */5
The Story:
Abigail is just in Moose Creek, Montana for the summer to temporarily care for her great aunt. But a tender-hearted cowboy beckons her to stay.

Abigail Jones intends to spend just one summer in middle-of-nowhere Montana with her Aunt Lucy. Time away from her job is just what Abigail needs to reassess her life. The slow pace has her breathing deeply for the first time in years. And the majestic scenery encourages her to get reacquainted with herself . . . and God.

What she didn't count on was the handsome widowed cowboy who owns the ranch where her aunt lives. When the rancher loses his daughter's nanny, Abigail decides to lend a hand for the summer.

Wade Ryan can't help being attracted to Abigail. But he's given up everything to protect his daughter, and he's not about to risk it all on a pretty face.

Under Abigail's care, Wade's home and daughter thrive. And with Wade's touch, Abigail's heart feels at home at last. But Abigail knows this elusive rancher is hiding something. Will her own secrets separate her from the cowboy who finally captured her heart?

My Review: 
 Even though this was a little bit of a older book I am very glad I discovered it. Abigail and Wade's love story was so heartwarming and the way they all fit together by the end of the book left me wanting more about them. The great thing is this book is the 1st in a series and I can't wait to read more about them in the sequel, The Accidental Bride. 
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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

Luminary by Krista Mcgee

The Story:
Thalli was scheduled for annihilation. She was considered an anomaly--able to experience emotions that should have been eradicated by genetic modification. The Scientists running the State couldn't allow her to bring undue chaos to their peaceful, ordered world. But seconds before her death, she is rescued.

Now Thalli is above ground in a world she thought was destroyed. A world where not even the air is safe to breathe. She and her three friends must journey across this unknown land, their destination a hidden civilization. It's their only chance of survival.

Broken and exhausted after an arduous journey, they arrive in New Hope, a town that survived the nuclear holocaust. When Thalli meets the people there--people actually "born" to "families"--her small world is blown wide open.

Soon after their arrival to New Hope, the town comes under attack. She has escaped imminent death, but now Thalli is thrust into a new fight--a fight to save her new home. Does she know enough about this world of emotions, this world of chaos, to save not only herself, but the people she has come to love?

My Reviews: 
  If you like dystopian books that have a Christian base then this book is for you. Luminary is the second book in the series and it opens right where the first left off. I don't want to give anything away but this book is great, light reading. Perfect for a weekend getaway! Krista is a wonderful writer and although I'm not really into the whole science fiction type books, I really enjoyed this one. Can't wait for the next installment. 
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

Dancing With Fireflies by Denise Hunter

The Story: Jade returns home to Chapel Springs after years of protecting her fragile heart. Then along comes Daniel, making her long to dance again.

Creative and complicated, Jade McKinley felt like a weed in a rose garden growing up in Chapel Springs. When she left, she thought she'd never look back. But now, pregnant, alone, and broke, she has no other choice but to return.

The mayor of Chapel Springs, Daniel Dawson, has been an honorary member of the McKinley family for years. While his own home life was almost non-existent, Daniel fit right into the boisterous McKinley family. He's loved Jade for years, but she always saw him as a big brother. Now that she's back, his feelings are stronger than ever.

As Jade attempts to settle in, nothing feels right. God seems far away, she's hiding secrets from her family, and she's strangely attracted to the man who's always called her "squirt." Finding her way home may prove more difficult than she imagined.

My Review: 
This book was amazing,I enjoyed it immensely. It took me only 1 day to read it I was so hooked. Jade is her own unique person, I've never read a another character like her. And Daniel. I can only say that he's the Prince Charming that every Cristian girl is looking for. Daniel has loved Jade for a long time and she doesn't even know it. Don't we all wish that was the case for ourselves? That some perfect guy has been watching from a distant and likes you even with your flaws? This book had it all, romance, family, intrigue. Denise sure knows how to weave a wonderful romance. I can't wait for her next book A December Bride coming in December. Seems too long a wait.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

Gabriel's Bride by Amy Lillard

* * * */5
The Story:
Rachel Yoder has two choices: marry Gabriel Fisher or move to Ohio. As an orphan, Rachel doesn’t 
have much to offer; any match she can make will be a good one. She just didn’t plan on Gabriel with his big hands and permanent frown.

As a widower Gabriel needs help caring for the farm and his six children. But he never thought he’d marry a slip of a girl who barely reaches his chin.

Yet as time passes, Gabriel finds himself thinking about a real marriage. They have spoken vows to God and each other, but can he risk his heart with Rachel?

My Review: 
  Good quick read. I was surprised, I had never heard of this author and she will now be on my to watch list. Rachel is a very scatterer-brained Amish woman with a goat raising business, strange to us but totally the norm for the Amish lifestyle. I enjoyed learning about the animals. Rachel jumped into being a mom to A LOT of kids who happened to be boys, by the middle of the book and which brought utter chaos but in a fun, enjoyable way. Gabriel's and Rachel's romance is soft and sweet, just what you would expect from a Amish fiction book. The characters of the book were very lifelike and easily related too even if you're english. I enjoyed it and passed it on to my grandmother who also enjoyed it and related it to the works of Beverly Lewis.   
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

A Bride In The Bargain by Deeanne Gist

Here's The Story: In 1860s Seattle, a man with a wife could secure himself 640 acres of timberland. But because of his wife's untimely death, Joe Denton finds himself about to lose half of his claim. Still in mourning, his best solution is to buy one of those Mercer girls arriving from the East. A woman he'll marry in name but keep around mostly as a cook.
Anna Ivey's journey west with Asa Mercer's girls is an escape from the griefs of her past. She's not supposed to be a bride, though, just a cook for the girls. But when they land, she's handed to Joe Denton and the two find themselves in a knotty situation. She refuses to wed him and he's about to lose his land. With only a few months left, can Joe convince this provoking--but beguiling--easterner to be his bride?

My Review: 

Where do I even start? I just have to say I'm in love with this book, the characters, the plot, the setting, everything!! I felt like I really connected with the Joe and Anna, felt what they felt; pain, love, heartache and joy. Sure there are a few historical errors but this is a book. No matter how hard you try you'll never make a book perfectly accurate. You know why? Because research will never truly uncover what was really there. If you're looking for a book that will make you want to run out and buy every other book from this author then this is the one for you. I know I will be picking up more from Deeanne Gist's list on my next book haul

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

The Dating Games #1 by Melody Carlson

The Story: 
Five high school friends have one thing in common as they start their sophomore year: none of them have ever been on a "real" date. With homecoming looming, they make a pact and start a secret club they call the DG (Dating Game). They're sworn to secrecy--and to purity--but the club is their way to set each other up on their first dates so they can report back to the DG. Of course, they all make different choices about how to deal with their parents and how to act on their dates, and they discover that they all have totally different experiences. Still, the things they learn about boys and dating will stick with them throughout high school.
Bestselling author and teen favorite Melody Carlson starts off her newest series with a good dose of fun, tackling two topics teen girls love to read about--friends and boys. 

My Review: 
First off I love to read YA especially when it has a Christian base. I didn't get much out of this book spiritually but overall it was a great novel.It was a quick read and I would recommend it for ages 14+.
Before letting your child read this book I caution that you speak to them about dating and how you feel about it and your rules.

I've always had the feeling that dating was something that was to be done when you found the right guy but this book treats dating like your first date is just something to get out of the way.
Don't get me wrong this is a great book with good characters that teaches girls about friendship and how to stick together but I wouldn't recommend it to girls who are home-schooled or don't understand what dating is truly about.

I felt as though I connected with the character Cassidy most in the book. She wanted to wait until college to date but she let her friends convince her to join the "Dating Games" club. I felt as though she should have stood her ground.
I at 19 years of age still haven't had a "First Date" and I'm happy with that,I even went to prom with a guy friend.
So in closing I will give this book 3 stars because I did enjoy it but only because I am firm in my decision to not date.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

Butterfly Palace by Colleen Coble

                                                         * * * * */5
                                                         Here's The Story: 
When Lilly Donnelly arrives at the Cutlers' famed Butterfly Mansion in 1899, the massive house and unfamiliar duties threaten to overwhelm her. Victorian Austin is lavish, highly political, and intimidating, but with the help of the other servants, Lilly resolves to prove herself to her new employers.
Then, while serving at an elegant dinner party, Lilly recognizes one distinguished guest as Andrew, the love of her life, who abandoned her without a word back home. He seems to have assumed a new identity and refuses to acknowledge her, leaving her confused and reeling.
Before Lilly can absorb this unwelcome news, she's attacked. Could it be the sinister Servant Girl Killer who has been terrorizing Austin? Or is it someone after something more personal--someone from her past?
Does she dare trust Andrew to help or is he part of the danger threatening to draw Lilly into its vortex?
My Review: 
Yet another amazing intriguing novel from Colleen. I love that I can read a mystery that can keep me guessing and a romance that will make me sigh from how amazingly sweet it is at the same time. I felt like I was swept away into another time and not until I looked up and saw my modern technology did I realize I wasn't.  Colleen is a master story teller and I can't wait for her next novel. 
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

Princess Ever After by Rachel Hauck

The Story: 
Regina Beswick never dreamed of faraway places. She’s happy with her life as a classic car mechanic and owner of a restoration shop.
But an unexpected visitor and the discovery of a fairytale, drawn by her great-grandma, causes Regina to wonder if she might be destined for something more.
Tanner Burkhardt, Minister of Culture for the Grand Duchy of Hessenberg, must convince the strong-willed Southerner, Miss Beswick, that she is his country’s long-lost princess. Failure could destroy his reputation and change his nation forever.
As Regina and Tanner face the challenges before them, neither are prepared for love to invade their hearts and change every thing they believe about themselves.
However, when a royal opponent nearly destroys Regina’s future, she must lean into God and trust He has sovereignly brought her to her true and final destiny.
My Review: 
 I really enjoyed this books predecessor Once Upon A Prince, but have to say I did not enjoy Princess Ever After as much. I found Regina to be a very selfish character and couldn't identify with her at all. I would like to think if the same situation were to happen to me I would be more worried about the country and its citizens that would cease to exist than about my car restoring business that I hadn't been running very long. I think Rachel Hauck is an amazing author but this particular story and set of characters didn't really bring me into what was supposed to be a royal fairytale.I was raised to not run away from responsibility so this story just grated against my upbringing. I did not like Regina and wouldn't want her to be my sovereign. All in all if you're looking for a quick non-deep book then you may love this Princess Ever After. I am looking forward to Rachel's next book with another set of characters.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

The Trouble With Cowboys By Denise Hunter

                                                        Here's The Story:
Only one pair of boots-and the cowboy wearing them-can get Annie out of the mess she's in.
 Annie Wilkerson is Moose Creek's premiere horse trainer and equine columnist for "Montana Living." Money is tight as she tries to put her kid-sister through college and provide for her young nephew.
When Annie's column is cancelled, she's given first shot at a new lovelorn column-and she can't afford to turn it down. Only problem is . . . Annie's never been in love.
Always resourceful, she reluctantly strikes a deal with the town's smooth-talking ladies' man Dylan Taylor: She'll work with his ailing horse, Braveheart, if he'll help her answer the reader letters.
Working closely with Dylan is harder than Annie imagined, and she quickly realizes she may have misjudged him. But her unwavering conviction that cowboys are nothing but trouble has kept her heart safe for years. And she can't risk getting hurt now.
The more Annie tries to control things, the more they fall apart. Her feelings are spinning out of control, and her sister's antics are making life increasingly more difficult. Annie knows she needs to turn the reins over to God, but surrender has never come easily.
When Dylan reveals his feelings for her, Annie doesn't know what to trust-her head or her heart.
The trouble with "this" cowboy is that he might just be exactly what she needs.
My Review:  
I was pleasantly surprised with Trouble For Cowboys. I picked it up at a local bookstore on sale looking for a quick read. I got a lot more. I was pulled into the characters lives, when they felt anxiety I felt it, when they felt happiness so did I. I loved the fact that I got romance,humor,mystery and true love all in one book, I truly enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more from Denise Hunter. She has earned herself another reader.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

Tidewater Inn by Colleen Coble

Here's The Story: Welcome to Hope Beach. A place of intoxicating beauty . . . where trouble hits with the force of a hurricane.
Inheriting a beautiful old hotel on the Outer Banks could be a dream come true for Libby. The inn cries out for her restorer's talent and love of history. She's delighted to learn of the family she never knew she had. And the handsome Coast Guard lieutenant she's met there on the island could definitely be the man of her dreams.
But Libby soon realizes that the only way she can afford the upkeep on the inn is to sell it to developers who are stalking the island. The father who willed her the inn has died before she could meet him, and her newfound brother and sister are convinced she's there to steal their birthright. Worst of all, her best friend and business partner has been kidnapped before her eyes, and Libby's under suspicion for the crime.
 Libby's dream come true is becoming a nightmare. Her only option is to find her friend and prove her innocence, or lose everything on the shores of Hope Island.

My Review:
  Tidewater Inn! What an amazing book. I have been a long time reader of Colleen Coble but that hasn't change anythig, she still manages to hook me with each new book. I love how she writes about Faith,Romance and mystery all the while letting you into the characters life. Colleen never writes a a book with half a heart. I can not wait for the sequel in July!!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

On Distant Shores by Sarah Sundin

Here’s The Story:
Lt. Georgiana Taylor has everything she could want. A comfortable boyfriend back home, a loving family, and a challenging job as a flight nurse. But in July 1943, Georgie’s cozy life gets decidedly more complicated when she meets pharmacist Sgt. John Hutchinson. Hutch resents the lack of respect he gets as a noncommissioned serviceman and hates how the war keeps him from his fiancée. While Georgie and Hutch share a love of the starry night skies over Sicily, their lives back home are falling apart. Can they weather the hurt and betrayal? Or will the pressures of war destroy the fragile connection they’ve made?

My Review:
I won On Distant Shores though a giveaway, all opinion’s are true and my own.
This is a very well written book. I didn’t have any problems reading it and didn’t catch myself turning the pages back and asking myself “When did that happen?”
The characters were very lifelike, it felt as if I really knew them. Georgie is such a wonderful character and I found myself wishing that I had a friend like her.
Georgie and Hutch struggled with real life problems that even though this book is set during WWII can be applied in a different way to today’s time.
This book is also rich in history and I’m sure not even the pickiest of history buffs could find fault in Sarah’s research.
So if your looking for a great Christian Fiction reach this is it.  On Distant Shores was rich with history,romance and action. There’s so much you can learn from historical fiction and Sarah Hit the nail on the head. 5 stars! Now I want more!!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

Stranded By Dani Pettrey

Here’s The Story:
When her friend vanishes from a cruise ship, reporter Darcy St. James isn’t satisfied with their explanation that she simply left her job of her own accord. Something isn’t lining up, and Darcy believes the only way to find the truth is to put herself in Abby’s position. Within days, Darcy learns her friend wasn’t the only person to disappear mysteriously. Last summer, a woman vanished under almost identical circumstances.
Gage McKenna has taken a summer-long stint leading adventure excursions for the passengers of various cruise lines that dock for a few days of sightseeing. He’s surprised to find Darcy working aboard one of the ships, investigating a troubling report. Something sinister is going on and the deeper they dig the more Gage fears they’ve only discovered the tip of the iceberg.

My Review:
My discovery of Dani Pettrey’s books was because someone gifted me one of her books and ever since I’ve been in love. The Alaskan Courage series is so amazing. After you’re finished you feel as if you’ve been in a fun class learning about something you enjoy. Add mystery, action, drama, excitement and romance, an extremely handsome, rugged, strong man and you’ve hit the 5 star list for me. I can’t wait for the next book in this series.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)

Chateau Of Secrets by Melanie Dobson

I received Chateau of Secrets to review by Melanie Dobson and I have to say I'm amazed! I've always loved history and have had a special interest in the World War II era since reading Anne Frank, but my view was limited to a 13 years olds point of view. I didn't know a lot about the German Army including that Jews served. The book is shown through 2 points of view; Gisèle Duchant (who is based off a real person) and her Granddaughter Chloe and follows Gisèle's heroic fight to protect the ones she loves and Chloe's journey to learning about her family's history. With the Nazis bearing down on Normandy Gisèle has secrets to keep, she fears that the Nazis will learn that she is harboring a Jewish child and French resistant fighters. Years later a German officer who is a Jew himself helps her and a orphanage full of children escape, one of those children they later adopt. I loved this book and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for an enthralling story they will hold in their heart forever.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4)